

يتألف شعارنا من شجرة ذهبية متداخلة الأغصان مع الحروف العربية “هـ” و “و”، فيحمل في طياته الرمزية الإلهية التي تحكي عن وجود الإنسان ورحلة إرتقائه الروحاني.

هذه الحروف تعبير عن كلمة “هو“، وهي تمثل الله، الخالق الواحد لعقولنا , التي تكتنفها التعقيدات , ولكنها في الوقت نفسه تشع بالجمال والتناغم بمجرد أن تتحد مع مركزيته “هو” الواحد الأحد ..

Our Logo

Where we bridge the gap between the transformative power of life coaching and the essence of spiritualty.

Our logo, a golden tree intertwined with the Arabic letters ‘ه & و,’ symbolizes the divine narrative of human existence. These letters refer to the word ‘HIM’ in Arabic representing our one true God, the ultimate creator of our complex yet beautiful minds.

Dina Barakat

Dina Barakat

Your ICF Certified Life Coach

“When you thrive, we all do!”  

Elevate Your Life with Dina Barakat

You know, I’ve always believed that personal growth has a ripple effect on our communities and society. That’s why my mission is simple yet impactful: to guide you in unlocking your best self, because collective success starts with individual growth.


A Bit About Me: Your Certified Life Coach in UAE, Egypt, Saudi-Arabia.

I’m your go-to life coach, based right here in Dubai. What fuels my day is the opportunity to bring clarity and direction to your life. Consider me your accountability partner, ensuring you’re on the path to your desired goals.

Who I Work With: Coaching for All

Whether you’re a celebrity, diplomat, entrepreneur, college student, or a stay-at-home parent, my door is open to everyone. We’re on this transformative journey together, and I’m committed to helping you reach your highest potential.

Been There, Done That in A Global Soul!

Before stepping into the empowering world of coaching, I spent an incredible decade in executive roles across diverse sectors like Media, Mobile and Internet Marketing, and yes, even Hotel Management. This experience taught me that the heart of any successful business is its people. So when you work with me, expect some real-world wisdom sprinkled in!

But that’s not all. My journey has taken me across six different countries—Lebanon, the UK, the US, Egypt, and Jordan, to name a few. Living in such diverse cultures has given me a unique ability to connect with people from all walks of life. Whether you’re a global nomad like me or have deep roots in one place, I get you and can’t wait to help you thrive.
